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    For the business owner ready to implement key strategies and concepts with the right guidance and support.

    Are you ready to make a difference?


    BGW CPA, PLLC is anything but a typical CPA firm. We are transforming the accounting profession from being passive and reactive to one expected to make a difference in our clients’ lives and businesses. We serve our clients and our community with integrity and honesty.

    We are currently searching for qualified candidates! Share your story and résumé with us at

    Accounting jobs Charlotte NC (2)

    Hollywood seems to have a somewhat strange vision of accountants. Andy Dufresne, falsely imprisoned for years at Shawshank, yet able to maintain his hope and dignity; the above-reproach, fearless Oscar Wallace in The Untouchables; or Midnight Run’s Jonathan Mardukas, caught with his fingers in the proverbial cookie jar.

    These aren’t your typical accountants. Most accounting careers don’t include car chases or Rita Hayworth posters hiding epic secrets. However, nearly as much diversity exists in the real accounting world and the variety of jobs available. That’s outstanding news for those working or seeking work in the field. This variety in types of work and firm culture means whatever you seek is likely available. You just have to find it.

    BGW is a different kind of accounting firm. We value creating relationships with our clients and treating them as individuals rather than as billable hours. We are about being proactive and making a difference in our clients’ lives and businesses. We aim to ensure our clients save money, make money, stay out of trouble, and have funTM. And that’s more or less our goal for our accounting team as well. If that sounds like something you might want to be a part of, read on to see what a career at BGW is about.

    Clients Come First, but You Never Come Second

    our Clients come first

    Having built a firm with an intentional, client-focused culture, we make it clear that our clients and their businesses are at the core of our business. That doesn’t mean that our team members come second, however. We know that business success means employee success and vice versa.

    We empower our accountants so that they can be extraordinary. When you work for us, we want you to build exceptional, meaningful relationships with our clients—your clients. Get to know them. Understand their business, and in doing so, understand their needs. We want you to reach out to them periodically, even if there’s nothing new to learn or report, simply to stay connected and be approachable.

    This client-focused approach is at the heart of what we do. We are looking for talented accounting professionals who want to build relationships with people and get to know exciting client companies.

    Valuing Family

    We are proud to include in our ranks tax and attest experts, certified public accountants, bookkeepers, an in-house tax attorney, a team of wealth planners, merger and acquisitions experts, and more. We want to have on staff whatever and whomever our clients require to meet the financial needs of their business. These talented, dedicated professionals will be your coworkers if you join our team. More than that, they will be your work family. We have a work culture that embraces connections with clients and team members.

    We’re also sensitive to the fact that you come to us with a family that you love and want to spend time with. We know that everyone works best when their work and personal lives are in harmony. We’re family people, too, and we are committed to helping our team members maintain a healthy balance between work and home.

    Community Matters

    Even if you love accounting as much as we do, there are moments when you need to stretch your legs a bit. You need to stop and look around for a moment and see your place in your community. At more typical accounting firms, every minute must be spent servicing clients and generating revenue. If you are looking for accounting jobs in Charlotte, NC where you can make a more significant contribution to the world, BGW might be a great fit.

    We recognize that we operate as part of a community. We encourage our team to contribute financial assistance and perform volunteer work. We want to improve the communities in which we live and work.

    We encourage your desire to spend some of your work time bettering the world rather than increasing our bottom line. This commitment to making the world a better place is who we are at BGW. From our newest intern to our senior partners, people who work with us know that we believe in sharing the fruits of our success to better our community.

    Do your ideal accounting firm jobs include occasional afternoons spent building a home as part of Habitat for Humanity or participating in the United Way’s Day of Caring? If so, you’ve found the right firm.

    The BGW Way

    The BGW way

    We tell prospective clients we aren’t the right accounting firm for everyone. Our reviews show that our clients love us, but we may not be a good fit for those who want a generic accounting firm that does business as usual. That goes for prospective accountants, too. If you want to hole up at a desk and avoid human contact unless absolutely necessary, the BGW family might not be your accounting home.

    Do you want to build relationships with clients? That means reaching out frequently to ask about changes in their businesses or lives, checking in on them, maintaining contact, and showing you are available and approachable. Now you are speaking our language.

    Accounting firm jobs are everywhere. As an intern, clerk, junior accountant, or senior CPA, it’s critical that you find a firm that aligns with your ideas for conducting business and prioritizing your life. It’s just as critical for us to find tremendous, dedicated people excited about doing accounting work the BGW way.

    What to Look for in an Accounting Firm Home

    accounting firm

    A Day in the Life

    Whether you are just starting out, seeking an internship, or are a senior accountant looking for a new role, you should be strategic when exploring and accepting a position. It can be tempting to simply look for accounting jobs in your desired location and take the first one that makes an offer.

    Some accountants, especially those newer to the profession, aspire to the Big Four or Big Eight public accounting firms, assuming that because they have “Big” in their descriptor, they are the pinnacle of the field. The problem with this is that the Big guys have Big workforces.

    You may show up on your first day and be shoved into a back-corner cubicle and handed a massive stack of work papers to pro-form. The most human contact you may have in your work day could be the curt “good morning” nod from a stranger on your elevator ride up to your floor. You went to college for this?

    Many accounting firms are cold, and we aren’t discussing air conditioning settings. At BGW, we pride ourselves on our Southern hospitality. That extends to our clients and our team members. Those other guys? Bless their hearts.

    Aren’t you better off working in a place that allows you to grow professionally? One that isn’t so big that you are pigeonholed into one tiny aspect of accounting? That certainly sounds better to us than assembly-line style accounting.

    Factories know that assembly lines lead to worker dissatisfaction. The monotonous grind of repetition is terrible for the soul, draining enthusiasm and making the days feel endless. Without a connection to the final product, assembly-line workers are robbed of a sense of connection and satisfaction.

    Accounting is no different. That’s one reason we strive to involve our employees in more than just a tiny aspect of the business. They aren’t cogs in a machine. They are team members. We treat them accordingly. If that sounds better to you than being “the one who sits in cubicle 14G”, choose your firm carefully.

    All accounting firms have cultures. Some are created with thoughtfulness and intention. They center around respecting and encouraging every employee, fostering their growth, and valuing their contributions. Other cultures are created haphazardly, falling into place in the cracks and crevices that form around exhausted human revenue-generators.

    No matter where you find an accountant job opening, there will be a culture. Find one that fits with who you are, where you want your career to go, and how you think you will thrive as a team member.

    Growth Mindset

    We encourage any accountant new to the field to look for a firm that allows them to try different things. Even if you love Texas-style Barbeque, North Carolina’s vinegar-based sauce is worth trying. You may find that the sweet, tangy flavor becomes an unexpected favorite.

    Even if it doesn’t, you’ve broadened your horizons and reinforced your preferences for old favorites. Shouldn’t work life be a bit like tackling a buffet rather than eating the same food day in and day out? This need for variety is especially true when you are a junior accountant. What you loved in your coursework may not resonate with you in real-life work.

    Find a place to sample from the vast buffet of accounting work. See what you want more of and what you’d prefer to leave off your plate in the future. Like the local barbeque sauce, we think working a BGW is sweet, interesting, and exciting.

    Home Sweet Home

    Here’s another reason to be thoughtful about where you land: switching firms is difficult. It’s a new culture and a new way of doing business with new processes to learn. You will have developed habits and routines once you are an established, working accountant. Unlearning those can be much more challenging than establishing them in the first place.

    Changing jobs also means getting to know new people and developing relationships with new clients. Going to a new firm is like starting over at a new high school. Everything easy and familiar is suddenly challenging. You don’t know that shortcut to get to the math building or which lunch table sits precariously under a tree full of birds. You also don’t have any friends. If you find the right accounting jobs in Charlotte, NC on your first try, you can have one firm-family for years, decades, or even your entire career.

    Sample Size

    If you are starting your accounting career and trying to figure out how accounting work fits your identity, we have internship accounting jobs. Get a taste of what it’s like to work for an accounting firm that does business and business accounting in a wonderfully atypical way. See if BGW is the right fit for you through an internship where you will be valued, nurtured, and respected. Here, no one is “just” an intern. Our internships for accounting majors or other budding accountants allow you to see what accounting work is like and learn whether we are a good fit for you.

    By now, you should have some sense of how BGW operates, the way we treat and value our staff, and what we prioritize. We are always looking for new talent to add to our team. If you are ready to join an atypical accounting team and think you and BGW would be a match fit for a Hollywood rom-com, let’s get to know one another. Share your story and résumé with us at


    Tired of Typical?

    Is your current CPA just “okay?”

    It doesn’t have to be this way.


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