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For the business owner ready to implement key strategies and concepts with the right guidance and support.

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Our best thought leadership, relevant news, and tools to help you grow your business.

Make Way For Millennials: Harness the Power of the Next Generation and Grow Your Business
5 Cybersecurity Basics for Your Small Business (and yes, you really need them)
"No" is Not a Four Letter Word

When we first start out in business, we tend to have this reflexive habit of saying ‘yes’ to every opportunity that comes our way. Both hungry to...

New Rules for Overtime Pay Coming Later Than Expected (but don't just sit there)

Ever since the Department of Labor issued its proposal  to change its rules regarding overtime pay -- by substantially increasing the minimum salary...

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Make Way For Millennials: Harness the Power of the Next Generation and Grow Your Business
Make Way For Millennials: Harness the Power of the Next Generation and Grow Your Business

It’s so easy to pick on the Millennials -- or the Gen Yers, the Echo Boomers, Gen Next, the...

5 Cybersecurity Basics for Your Small Business (and yes, you really need them)
5 Cybersecurity Basics for Your Small Business (and yes, you really need them)

We’ve all heard the horror stories: hackers stealing the credit card information from some 70...

"No" is Not a Four Letter Word

When we first start out in business, we tend to have this reflexive habit of saying ‘yes’ to every...

New Rules for Overtime Pay Coming Later Than Expected (but don't just sit there)
New Rules for Overtime Pay Coming Later Than Expected (but don't just sit there)
7 Root Causes of Delegation Issues
7 Root Causes of Delegation Issues

If DIY is your CEO mantra, you’re doing it wrong.

Tax-deferred Savings Plan Helps Individuals with Disabilities
Tax-deferred Savings Plan Helps Individuals with Disabilities

A new law passed by Congress and signed by President Obama this year allows people with...

Weighing the Costs: Converting from C Corporation to S Corporation Status
Weighing the Costs: Converting from C Corporation to S Corporation Status

Converting from C corporation status to S corporation is a common change in business due the...

Avoiding Net Investment Income Tax: 5 Tips for Business Owners
Avoiding Net Investment Income Tax: 5 Tips for Business Owners

We first brought the concept of Net Investment Income Tax (NIIT) to your attention in 2013. It was...

Potential Changes in R&D Tax Credit Law Could Mean More Money For Your Business
Potential Changes in R&D Tax Credit Law Could Mean More Money For Your Business

The Research and Development (R&D) credit is a business tax credit that generates substantial...

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